Monday, September 15, 2008

Join us at the Buddy Walk

See how sad Lacy Looks? Lindsy is trying to do her best to make her feel better. She even ditched her usual milk mustache for the chocolate goatie to cheer her up.

Why is Lacy so sad? Because her dad waited unitl now to let everyone know about the Down Syndrome Buddy Walk that is taking place this next Saturday. Here are the details. It is at the Kids on the Move office (475 W 260 N. Orem), which is just behind the Orem Community Hospital. There is a carnival that starts at 9 am and the actual walk part starts at 11:30 am. There will be a raffle after the walk. It's a fun event and even if you can just come for a little bit you will have fun seeing these cute kids. There's a BYU football game that starts at 1 pm so you could do the carnival in the morning and the game after.

Hope to see you there!


sincerely margie mei said...

We'll be there Lacy!! Don't worry :)

Lindy said...

What a cutie picture~ Those are some awesome smiles on both those little girls. We wish Lacey a very wonderful buddy walk!

She's got the smile to melt an ice cream cone. That's probably why Lindsy has chocolate around her mouth!

-Lindy Taylor

Michelle said...

This sounds really fun. And what cute girls to advertise.

Julie said...

That sounds like a great thing to do..maybe we will have to do it!!