A couple of weeks ago Lindsy took a tumble off our love sac and broke her arm. The doc looked at the x-ray and said it seemed pretty straight forward. Just cast it for 4 weeks and call it good. But he wanted to have her come in in a few days for another x-ray. So when Amy took her back in after a few days they realized that she had broken both bones in her forearm (ulna and radius for for you anatomists). He said that if she were older they would have to do surgery and put a pin in to hold it together, but since she's so little they would have to put her under general anesthesia and manipulate her arm so it was aligned and then re-cast it. So that's what we did this morning. Here are some high/low lights.
She was pretty mad about the whole thing.

That last picture breaks my heart! What an ordeal for such a sweet little girl.
I hate the last picture, too! Awwww...poor little thing. Welcome to blogging! We'll be checking your site now regularly.
We missed you guys tonight at the party...
we're sorry we missed the party too. We really wanted to be there.
I hate that last picture too.
That picture at the end is so sad! I am sorry, it looked like a sad long day. I hate it when my kids are in pain!
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